Saturday, September 6, 2014

It's Been a Long Time...

I suck.  I made a commitment to write 52 posts this year and now I have to cram them into the final few months of the year...along with manage two fantasy football leagues, attend Bears games, watch basically football. Serves me right for using all of my free time to do hoodrat things with my friends and drink copious amounts of alcohol and say goodbye for now to a dear friend and witness the engagement of another and plan parties and go to Africa and sporting events and cake and stuff. But, a promise is a promise, so I have about 40 posts to churn out in the next 3 months.  If my math serves me correctly, it's not impossible.  Y'all ain't gotta read them all but please read some some so my feelings won't be hurt.

I'm a failure at rejecting and I only have myself to blame...

One day this summer, I was drinking an inappropriate amount of an unnamed alcoholic beverage straight from the bottle.  I wasn't the only one so leave me alone. At some point, I thought it would be a good idea to give some man my phone number.  Upon reaching sobriety, I realized I had absolutely no desire to spend a single moment of time with this gentleman...I'm not very good at rejecting men so I decided to let it play out naturally: he texts, I give one word responses, he realizes I'm no longer interested and stops contacting me.  Works all the time and by all the time, I mean every time I give my number to some random man who thinks that striking up a conversation with me at an event means I want to go out with him. Didn't work this time. For seven straight weeks, this gentleman texted me "Hey" and "What's up" DAMN NEAR EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.  When I wasn't in a bitchy mood, I would respond "Hi" and HE WOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL ME. I've never spent more time at the movies/eating dinner/working late/with my parents before in my life. This negro was relentless. Before some know-it-all asks why I didn't just tell him I wasn't interested, I have already said that I'm not good at rejecting. Besides, someone this clueless would probably ask me to explain why I don't want to date him and quite frankly, I'm just not evil enough to answer.  I honestly thought that one day he would eventually stop trying to contact me. Male ego be damned, he wasn't going to let something like unresponsiveness get in his way. Since my girls and I couldn't figure it out, I asked a guy on the twitter who said that he was either 1) Absolutely clueless, 2) Ignorant as the fuck and would text me daily to bully me into responding or 3) One of those guys who thought persistence was a way to win someone over. I decided to block him to finally end that shit and hopefully I won't have to hide behind a UPS truck if I happen to see him outside of the Walgreens across the street from Washington's not an easy thing to do. I know one thing though: I will never drunkenly give my phone number to someone I have no intentions of ever calling ever in my whole entire life ever. I'm going back to "I have a man and he won't let me have friends."

The End

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