Monday, March 16, 2015

Lost in the Mail

I posted a picture of my friends enjoying our St. Patrick's Day girl's day with a caption that depicted what might have been a can't miss event and like any other time a photo of individuals having fun is posted, someone commented "Put me on the list for next year."

What possesses someone to request an invitation to an event occurring 364 days in the future with a group of friends who expressed no desire to include strangers? Do NOT ask me "where is my invite?" YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE. IT WAS NOT AN OVERSIGHT. YOU WERE NOT INVITED. YOU WON'T BE INVITED NEXT TIME. IF I WANTED YOU THERE, THEN YOU WOULD BE THERE. Perhaps I'm annoyed for no reason, but I personally think it's rude to publicly solicit an invitation on social media. I scroll through IG and FB and see "Damn, no invite?" posted on pictures of food, weddings, parties, picnics, spa days, shopping trips, EVERYTHING! NO! YOU DID NOT GET AN INVITE!! Shit's maddening. 

After a twitter venting session, the homie @Jonmicol suggested showing up to places as soon as people post pictures and check in on FB. Why ask for the invite? Genius. From now on, if you post an unsolicited request for an invite on my damn social media, I WILL be inviting myself to whatever the fuck you're doing. On a date? Yo. I been wanting to try that restaurant! Heard the truffle butter was fiye. At the movies? I'm calling your name and using my iPhone flashlight in the theater until I find you. You getting married? I'm Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn in that bitch. I AM SHOWING UP WITH A WHOLE MUTHAFUCKING CREW.

Look. Just don't ask me where your invitation is. It's rude as fuck but I'D be the rude one to tell you your shit got lost in the mail. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The REAL List of Football Movies to Get Your Mind Right for SuperBowl Sunday

Just in time for the SuperBowl, Vogue published a list of movies to "help" (I’m assuming) women learn about football.  Unless you’re interested in the ins and outs of being an unemployed sports agent struggling to hold on to one client whilst trying to mack down a single mother he convinced to leave a job with benefits she REALLY needs since she’s raising a son alone and whatnot, that list won’t teach you jackshit about football…not enough to impress anyone, at least.  You’ll be well versed in fairytale adaptions of White Savior stories *The Blindside* but your knowledge about the greatest game on turf will be very limited.  Fortunately, my Sportsbae and I compiled a list of actual football movies.  You’re welcome.

Any Given Sunday

Oliver Stone + football + Al Pacino + Jamie Foxx + LT + LL Cool J = cinematic perfection

cindasmommy – My name is Willie (Willie Beamen); I keep the ladies (Creamin’)
curlyfro  - EYEBALL SCENE!

Brian’s Song (1971)

The made for TV movie classic about the friendship of Chicago Bears greats Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers.  Billy Dee Williams is in it. You will a lil bitch.

cindasmommy  – Gale Sayers: "Oh babe, you won’t believe it. Brian tried to call me a nigger."
curlyfro - Cannot type through the tears. Gayle Sayers' locker room speech. MY GAWD.

The Longest Yard (2005)

A remake of the 1974 film starring Burt Reynolds about a pro QB who leads an inmate football team in a game against prison guards. Adam Sandler does it again.

cindasmommy – Nelly.  Yeah I said it.  The mayor of Nellyville. 
curlyfro - This movie gave us the phrase "baby back bitch." Never forget
*Honorable mention - Gotta love a remake that includes the star of the original film. 

The Replacements

Professional players are on strike. Does that stop football from happening? HELLS NO! Enter the replacements.

cindasmommy – Fat guy TDs are pure, unadulterated joy simply because they’re always followed up by a fat guy dance in the end zone.
curlyfro - "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever." Motivation for that ass! 


Small guy.  Big game. Who in the hell started cutting an onion?

cindasmommy – “You're five foot nothin. A hundred and nothin. And you have barely a speck of athletic ability. And you hung in there with the best college football players in the land for two years. You're gonna walk outta here with a degree from the University of Notre Dame. In this life, you don't have to prove nothin' to nobody but yourself. Am I making myself clear?
curlyfro - *record scratch* I hate Notre Dame.

The Program

An extremely underrated film that explores a college football program
starring James Caan as coach and Omar Epps as freshman running back, Darnell Jefferson. 

cindasmommy  - Before Omar Epps became Mike Tomlin, he was Darnell Jefferson
curlyfro - Whenever a receiver has multiple drops, I like to request that they enroll in The Darnell Jefferson School of Ball Protection. 

Friday Night Lights

Not the TV drama, the movie. four words: TEXAS HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL.

cindasmommy -  I firmly believe Billy Bob Thornton can take the Bears to the Superbowl 
curlyfro - "Y'all wanna win, put Boobie in." 

Little Giants

A film about peewee football in Ohio (O-H!) where two brothers coach opposing teams in an effort to get in the state peewee football playoffs. 

cindasmommy - In my mind, Ed O'Neill is Al Bundy reliving his glory at Polk High.
curlyfro - Becky O'Shea, Icebox. dopest little lady football player. 

Remember the Titans

High school football and integration. Warning: high possibility of thug tears.

cindasmommy - A tale of two halves.  Magic happens during halftime locker room speeches

The Waterboy

Bobby Boucher goes from stuttering water boy (high quality H2O, folks) to star linebacker. And lowkey, you can get some football basics in between laughs. 

cindasmommy - Kathy Bates is hilarious as Mama Boucher...Fool's ball
curlyfro - "Captain Insano shows no mercy."